Tear Down Process
In the target setting process, always we need to understand competitor’s products, structure, complexity, technology used and estimated cost etc in order to set better product targets.
The purpose of the Competitive Tear Down is to conduct a quantified design comparison between a company’s current product and competitive products to measure product design characteristics and complexity, identify technology implementation differences, and provide stimulus for improving the current and future generation products.
Combining the Competitive Tear Down Process with Target Setting and Design For “X” methods in the early concept stages of new product development, we provide the opportunity to improve the competitions of your products.
ITI Tear Down Process
ITI Tear Down process can be organized into three categories: Planning, Execution, and Analysis. In Figure below, the three green blocks at the top of the flow chart represent planning activities, the yellow blocks represent execution activities, and the four light green blocks at the bottom of the chart represent the analysis activities.
What we offer
The purpose of consulting is to help customer build the tear down and benchmarking process. We will work with you to plan, execute and analyze competitive tear down data. During the project, what we offer are as below:
- Planning
- Define characteristics to be measured
- Define product complexity and structure
- Indentify Current Competitive Company’s & Products
- Define Team Member
- Develop Measurement Plan
- …
- Execution
- Systematically Disassemble the Product
- Simultaneously create a Product Structure Chart
- Re-assemble, Verify Structure & Collect Data
- Evaluate Disassembly Characteristics (Serviceability)
- Measure performance as needed
- ….
- Analysis
- Analyze Metrics & Compare Results
- Estimate assembly & disassembly times & cost
- Acquire or estimate piece part costs
- Estimate the product’s Total Cost
- Summarize and Compare Product Data
- ….
Benefits to customer
By implementing ITI’s tear down process, customer can achieve:
1. Enrich target setting process to better understand performance, serviceability, assembly and cost information of competitive products
2. Accumulate competition’s product database to make better decision for future product development
3. We will provide process and related knowhow coaching, such as bench marking test plan, test execution and data analysis method
4. Standardize customer’s tear down process and related knowledge, such as benchmarking test etc.
ITI tear down process can be implemented separately or with target setting process simultaneously.